the industry’s premier annual event
International rescue hero to speak at TA 25
The hero of the Uttarkashi
Tunnel collapse in India, Professor Arnold Dix, will deliver the keynote
address at Trucking
Australia 25 on
Wednesday 30 April.
Professor Dix is an Australian geologist, engineer, barrister, farmer… and
truck driver.
In 2023, he led the rescue of 41 workers following the collapse of the
Uttarkashi Tunnel.
It’s a story of bravery, teamwork and leadership by an amazing Australian.
In this keynote presentation, you’ll get to meet Professor Dix and hear his
You’ll leave the session knowing that perseverance and determination can make
the impossible possible, whether you’re carrying out a rescue in front of the
whole world or running a trucking business.
Positive delegate satisfaction rate
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